Sunday, January 6, 2008

№4. A Day of Badminton, ½ Boiled Eggs & Potatoes

@ Yut Kee
Act I
CW: I want your potatoes [pointing at Hammies' hollandshú]
Yosiah: [looks incredulously at CW]
CW: Wat?? I want the potatoes, not tofu la...
AhSun: [immediately gives CW the ear of pain]
Yerish: He's so innocent la....

Act II
Hammie: Where's my eggs??
Yosiah, AC & Yerish: [laughs]
Ah Sun: [give Yosiah the stare of death]
CW: [looks blankly as he didn't get it]

Hammie: [½ boiled eggs arrives and starts breaking them]
Yosiah: [start poking at the egg yolks]
Hammie: You burst my eggs!
Yerish: [laughs]

After service...
AhSun: What time you guys going badminton today?
CW: About 2pm. Why?
AhSun: I might join u all...
CW & Yerish: Huh?? [with looks of disbelief]

I did end up playing badminton today... Still as lousy... ^.^

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