Wednesday, January 2, 2008

№1. What To Drink

As I reflect upon 2007, one thing comes to mind - choices I made. Somehow, I feel the similarity of making major life choices somewhat akin to ordering a drink @ a bar:

♠ Whether you've made right or wrong choice, you would only know when you taste it...
♠ Another person's favourite choice of drink might not be yours - you have discover out your own...
Well, you can stick to the "usual" ones, but you will never know what the "specials" are...
♠ Sometimes, the drink that you really want might not be available...
♠ If you've chose the wrong drink, you can always get another one - but you still will have to pay the price for the wrong one
♠ Not only you would have pay the price for the wrong one, sometimes, you really have take it all it before moving on...
♠ You will know when you've got the right drink for yourself...

Well, looking at the above, guess my 2007 in a nutshell would be - the drink that I really wanted never made it to my hand, and since then, never really knew what drink do I want. Guess will keep on looking that "special" drink... Cheers to 2008!!!

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